APRIL 10th, 2020
What is Parkinson’s Disease?
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a disorder that affects the central nervous system, nerve cell damage in the brain causes dopamine levels to drop which leads to the symptoms of Parkinson’s. It often starts out slowly affecting some movements and gives a feeling of weakness, most commonly starts with tremors in one hand and loss of balance.
It is an underlying disease for many years before the dopamine levels have reduced to the level where symptoms are starting to present themselves. People diagnosed with PD need to work closely with their specialist doctors to help manage the disorder with the use of prescription medication.
Unfortunately there is no cure for PD these medications are to help with the symptoms however, they do not slow down the disease.
Can Medicinal Cannabis help?
ABSOLUTELY ! The healing properties found within the cannabis plant are known for their ability to treat neurological and non-neurological diseases. Internally our bodies have an endocannabinoid system which is a complex network of cells that complete body functions. When medicinal cannabis is taken it reacts with these cells and encourages the body's natural cannabinoids to increase. The most interesting part is the cannabis’ natural ability to cross the blood-brain barrier unlike prescription medication. (See our article on the endocannabinoid system to learn more). Some researchers believe that medicinal cannabis may protect the cells from damage caused by PD.
Cannabinoids found within cannabis have been studied for use in treating other symptoms of Parkinsons such as bradykinesia (slowness caused from PD) and dyskinesia (excess movement caused from PD). There have been some promising clinical findings to which research and trials are still underway. As always when using cannabis it can affect people differently some individuals that suffer from PD may have impaired executive function of the brain; having the ability to make plans and avoid risky activities, these individuals should exercise extreme caution when using medication that can intensify this effect.
Within the endocannabinoid system there are two types of cannabinoid receptors Type 1 (CB1) found within the brain and Type 2 (CB2) found within the brain and peripheral immune system. Research surrounding cannabis still can not determine exactly how it works as well as it does, however we are starting to get a better understanding.
Parkinson Disease sufferers have a lower count of CB1 receptors, a boost to these receptors (such as cannabis) can improve tremors and alleviate dyskinesia. Also being studied is the Type 2 receptor, hoping to find a way to modify the disease or to provide some protection to the cells and prolong the onset of symptoms. Clinical studies and research is still ongoing and optimistically we will find even more benefits from the plant.
Taking medicinal cannabis will be a process between the individual needs and the prescribing doctor however there are two options available. THC and CBD (full description refer to our article on this) like all medications there are benefits and possible side effects. These include an improvement in anxiety, pain, sleeping troubles, weight loss, nausea and importantly reduced tremors, some of the potential side effects may be; as discussed before impaired cognition, dizziness, blurred vision, and mood alterations. Each individual may experience a different effect. It is important to do this with advice from a doctor and to use medicinal cannabis in conjunction with your prescription medication.